What’s Inside
03President’s LetterGreetings fromDr. Nancy S. Niemi, PhD
04The SnapshotFast News from FSU
05CommencementCelebrating the Class of 2024
06AGEP FacultyFramingham State Initiative Advances Underrepresented Faculty
07Rams in FocusEmma ’25 and Maddie ’27 Bailey Help Field Hockey Reach New Heights
09Distinguished Faculty AwardsCelebrating the Outstanding Work of Our Faculty
10Student SpotlightChanel Cadet ’25 Overcomes Obstacles to Pursue Degree at FSU
11Faculty SpotlightDr. Laura Lamontagne Specializes in the Economics of Renewable Energy
13Making an ImpactCelebrating Alumni Who Are Making a Difference in Their Communities
14Class Notes Discover How Your Fellow Classmates Are Spending Their Time
15Alumni ProfileJeff Stetson ’73
16Alumni Center DedicationThe Alumni Center Is Dedicated in Honor of Joan E. Murtaugh ’61
17Reunion/Alumni Achievement Awards
18Donor ProfileDawn Ross ’08, G’14
19Upcoming EventsA Sample of Events and Activities Available to Alumni
Students and Faculty Embrace the Humanities in a Digital World
As the Planet Gets Warmer, Educators at FSU Aim to Build Students’ Understanding of Global Warming in Ways That Inspire Them to Take Action